Card sleeves in this game 24 cards of 46.0mm width and 46.0mm of height There are no available sleeves matching this card size Description
The second major expansion to the original game of Carcassonne, Traders & Builders contains 24 tiles with new features such as Bridges and Cities.Some tiles also feature symbols for the goods Wine, Cloth and Wheat. Players collect one of these goods when the feature that has it on the tile is scored. Players with the most of each type of good gets bonus points at the end of the game. There is a popular house rule that allows the trading of goods between players in exchange for other goods and the ability to chose where a tile is placed. There are also two new wooden playing pieces in this expansion. The Builder is like a meeple in that it may be placed in a city or road as a kind of supervisor. A subsequent tile extension of the feature the Builder is it allows the player another tile placement. Farmers will also be able to place a new Pig pawn in a field for extra points at the end of the game.Finally, Traders & Builders comes with a large cloth bag. Not only does this makes it easier to keep and handle the tiles, but it also removes the problem of having non-identical backsides.Carcassonne: Traders & Builders Expansion Play Summary Traders – Some of the new city tiles depict goods: wine, grain and/or cloth. When you complete a city, your own or someone else’s, you collect a matching token for each good in the city. At game end, whoever has the most goods in each category scores an additional 10 points. Builders – Each player receives a builder meeple in his color. You can add your builder to any city or road you already have in progress. Now anytime you add a tile to that city or road, you immediately get to take another turn. The builder does not count as a follower for determining control of a city or road. Pig – You can add your pig to one of your farms to enrich its value. A farm with a pig scores 4 points per completed city served instead of the usual 3.Traders & Builders is playable with or without the first expansion.Part of the Carcassonne seriesOnline Play BrettspielWelt (real-time) Aso Brain Games (real-time)
Additional information
Mechanics: | Area Control/Area Influence Set Collection Tile Placement |
Categories: | City Building Economic Medieval |
Alternative names: | Carcassonne: 2. Erweiterung – Händler und Baumeister Carcassonne: Commercianti e Costruttori Carcassonne: Constructores y Comerciantes Carcassonne: Händler und Baumeister Carcassonne: Kaupmenn og snikkarar Carcassonne: Kirjurit ja Kauppiaat Carcassonne: Kooplieden en Bouwmeesters Carcassonne: Kupci a stavitelé Carcassonne: Kupcy i Budowniczowie Carcassonne: Marchands & Bâtisseurs Carcassonne: Traders & Builders 卡卡頌 – 小豬擴充 Carcassonne: 2. Erweiterung – Händler und Baumeister Carcassonne: A 2. kiegészítés – Kereskedők és Építmesterek Carcassonne: Commercianti e Costruttori Carcassonne: Constructores y Comerciantes Carcassonne: Die 2. Erweiterung – Händler und Baumeister Carcassonne: Expansion 2 – Traders & Builders Carcassonne: Kaupmenn og snikkarar Carcassonne: Kirjurit ja Kauppiaat Carcassonne: Kooplieden en Bouwmeesters Carcassonne: Kupci a stavitelé Carcassonne: Kupcy i Budowniczowie Carcassonne: Marchands & Bâtisseurs Carcassonne: Negustori şi constructori Carcassonne: Prekiautojai ir Statybininkai Carcassonne: Traders & Builders Carcassonne: Uitbreiding 2 – Kooplieden en Bouwmeesters Carcassonne: Viðbót 2 – Kaupmenn og smiðir Τα Κάστρα του Μυστρά: Έμποροι & Τεχνίτες Каркасон: Търговци и строители Каркассон: Купцы и зодчие каркассон: Купцы и строители 卡卡頌2.0小豬與建築師擴充 卡卡頌:小豬與建築師擴充 카르카손: 상인과 건축가 |
BARCODE: | 4001504481353 |
In 4 wishlists In 12 collections This was seen 7009 times |
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